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How to cope with stress and sh*t ton of work

Hi there my lovely readers! I can truly say it now-long time no see.

I can say that I've missed writing and creating for this blog,but I didn't think for a minute that someone was going to observe my absence.I was very surprised and my heart was so full when a lot of you asked me why I don't post anymore,that you liked my content,it was relatable and also that you enjoyed my photos.So,I thought why not start again,but this time I'll write about all kinds of subjects such as: food(Christmas recipes hopefully coming soon), school, tips and tricks , maybe I'll write some deep thoughts(when inspiration hits hard) , aand of course I'll continue making blog posts full of pictures(I'm way too excited for winter).

Well,that was my kinda short intro for today's post,now let's get straight into it:

You probably know how every post starts with me saying that school messes me up,that I don't have time to post regularly,blah blah and that I'm sorry.Everytime I lie and say that from now on I'm gonna make time to do other stuff(like writing on the blog,taking get it) and that hardly ever happens.You know why?You probably guessed it because you study in Romania(if not,lucky you,now get out of here!-jk) : SCHOOL.

For the last 12 years of my life I had to cope with this messed up school system,but I'm not here to brag or say how I work my ass off everyday,cause I know a lot of you do too.I'm here to try and help you,give you some of my tips I learned on my own throughout my highschool years .

STRESS-it's a big word and it has surprisingly made it's way into our daily vocabulary.Every time I talk to someone I hear :,,I'm so stressed'' or ,,I have so much work to do I don't have anymore time for myself" -yeah,same.We are a stressed out generation and it's kinda sad to see it manipulate us every day.You definitely know how it feels: just the thought of how much stuff you have to do makes your skin crawl. ooor that upcoming math test you have next week and all you know is how to calculate how many hours of sleep you have left. I know you've all been there.But what about the moment when it's too much: too many things to do,such short time-you try to do your best,you work a lot,forget about friends,or some free time,or even food(I've experienced all 3 of them) know what happens if you live in a continuous stress mode and routine for a long period of time?You crash.All of you:your body and your mind(and your motivation dies too)-I've recently experienced a major crash,and believe me,you don't want to go there.This is getting a bit too long so I'm not going to tell this story in detail.I'm just going to tell you this: DON'T OVER WORK YOURSELF!

Now getting into the tips:

1.Try not to think of how overly stressed you are every day.Take everything step by step(This is a lesson I'm still trying to learn)

2.Breath.A lot.And deep.Because the time will come for you to overthink and get anxious about everything and have panic attacks.(again,been there,done that,not fun)

3.SCHOOL IS BULLSHIT !- First of all, don't EVER think again about the grades! Second of all,learn FOR YOU! And third,try not to overstress about school because it's not worth it,believe me,especially not worth your health.We all know and ''love'' the romanian school system,we all have to experience it(sadly,seems like no one is willing to change anything) and that's that.

4.Make to do lists!-They will be your best friends-If you have everything you have to do in a day wrote down (make sure you're putting first the most important task) it will make your life SO much easier,especially when you'll thick everything and go to bed feeling accomplished(But make sure you actually stick to your list!)

5.Put all of your distractions away when you work!- Because if you want to do your homework for example,and all of your friends send you memes on instagram,you'll find yourself scrolling and scrolling until it gets dark outside and you can throw you to do list out the window(but get stressed of course,cause you haven't done anything productive)

6.Take breaks-this is a thing I'm still trying to implement in my daily routine.It's so important to take small breacks between your working hours.Grab a glass of water,scroll through social media(but set up timers,so the small breaks don't become hours),,meditate or even get moving outside for half an hour.These are so beneficial because they let our brain process everything and then refresh for another task.

7.Accept the fact that you are going through a stressful period,that it will be over and that your are going to succesfully get out of it.

8.Reward yourself for all the hard work and also set yourself future,exciting events that you can look forward to and motivate you to cope with everything better day by day.

9.Finally: DON'T BE A LAZY ASS,STOP COMPLAINING AND GET TO WORK.Like that,bibidi bobidi,you'll be able to be productive,proud and successful!

And so,my dear friends,using these tips,you (try to) cope with everyday life and work.The sad part is,we arrived at a point where teenagers work more than adults,stress more(even though we don't have to pay rent,feed our kids and manage our family life- I had to say it,we all hear it) and some get too weak too soon.So don't let that get to you: stay strong,keep your head up,cause you can accomplish anything you truly dream of!

xx Timi

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