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Why I've stopped

''Why have you stopped posting on instagram?'',''Why aren't you posting anymore on your blog?'', ''Are you going to continue doing blog posts?''.These are the kind of questions I've got and still do since I stopped posting.Ell,yes,I stopped posting and stopped being connected all the time while updating people on my life and this has just one strong reason.I stopped because I started doing something else.Something much more important.I started living.Living my own life,not the one through apps and posts and a screen.I'm living and I am free- free to make choices based on what I want not what would look good,because if you thought for one second that you just go somewhere,consume something,dressed somehow you are wrong.You go somewhere just after you checked the place to see if the aesthetic matches yours,if the walls and chair and tables and decor go with you theme and double-checked the menu so you know before what you're going to get so it will look good.And the outfit?It needs to match your feed and the aesthetic of the place.Oh,and the popular trends you have to dress up after.

You are not enough.You are never enough.Never pretty enough,never skinny enough or rich enough.You are made to believe all of that.To believe that you need to have bigger lips,longer lashes,abs,a tinier waist and clothes for every occasion and style.The reality though is that you are not

happy enough..WE are not happy enough.We don't enjoy every single moment of our lives anymore,always texting,snapping and posting on instagram,making our lifes look perfect.But in reality,nothing is perfect and I've learnt that.And that is why,my dear friends and readers(or maybe my dear single reader-considering that I've been so inactive that nobody cares anymore) is why I've stopped posting.I wanted to be able to experience new things and living the moment without thinking about taking out my phone and snapping something.I wanted to enjoy my breakfast without spending minutes to decorate it,get good lighting and taking tone of pictures until it got cold.Getting a good blog post or even an insta picture up requires so much time only planning and thinking about it,not to talk about the hours spent changing locations and outfits to take the right pics.Even though I was so into this and enjoyed every second,it got harder and harder.And now when I'm constantly working my butt off with school and other stuff(not here to complain tho) I don't find the time anymore to do these,and to be honest,I don't want to be apart of this fake world anymore,presenting nothing but the perfect picture.Photography and blogging are still my passions,that's why I wanted for SO long to write and post this.If you got to this point,wow,you must really like reading,if not,that's okay.

In the end,all that I could say more is: DON'T stay trapped in this social media (toxic) world.Get inspired from it and that's it.I encourage you to smile more everyday,be grateful,talk face to face,not via texts,and enjoy every single moment of your life.And be real because;


xoxo Timi <3

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